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  • PWN Strategic Mastermind

PWN Strategic Mastermind

  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 12:00 PM (EDT)
  • Zoom


  • Not yet a member of our Amazing organization? We would love to have you join us and learn what we are all about.
  • We love our members! log in to your PWN Profile to attend this event at no charge to you.

Registration is closed

UPDATE- April's Meeting will be WEDNESDAY April 12th.

Every 2nd Thursday at Noon, in-person & virtual. (Location TBD - virtual for now)

12:00 PM - 1:15PM

Bring your lunch and your business questions or challenges so we can brainstorm with you! This group is intended to help get you over your next business hurdle. If you are a member of PWN, we encourage you to join the Strategic Mastermind in addition to a PWN Power Group.

Zoom link will be emailed with registration confirmation

Mastermind Meetings are FREE for our Members and $10 for Non-Members of the Peninsula Women's Network

Have you checked out our PWN Shop Yet? Grab your PWN Logo attire and be stylish at our next in person meeting.



Established in 1979
Peninsula Women's Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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